2023 欧美剧 其他
  Plot of the series:   In the series “Catherine Season 4 Favorites,” the reign of the Great Empress of Russia, Catherine Alekseevna II, continues. The events take place in 1779, when the queen has been on the throne for seventeen years and has reached t
2023 海外剧 其他
  Kalix, a student hailing from a family of doctors who decided to tread a different path and take up Legal Management at a University. During that, he crosses paths with Luna, an Architecture student from the University of Santo Tomas.
2023 欧美剧 德国
  The murder of her colleague Yela Antic doesn't give Ellie a moment's peace: she wants to bring Gedeon to justice for stealing the murder weapon. Meanwhile, Gedeon delves more and more into his past.
2023 日剧 日本
  该剧讲述忘记情感孤独生活的35岁妇产科医生雪宫铃(吉高由里子 饰)和天生没有听觉的25岁遗物整理师柊一星(北村匠海 饰)两人的恋爱故事。新人妇产科医生·佐佐木深夜(藤冈靛 饰)的登场,将在三人之间展开一段25岁、35岁、45岁的10岁差三角恋。
2023 海外剧 新加坡
  一名年轻的日本女孩Nozomi(曾晓晴饰)被迫卖淫,成为马来亚最顶尖的karayuki san(19世纪末担任性工作者的日本女性),同时秘密为日本做间谍。她与试图逃离奢侈生活的中国女孩Qing Ling(芳榕饰)成为朋友。   故事发生在1920年代,在一个父权制的英国殖民地,Nozomi被英国和日本情报部门锁定,而Qing Ling则被情人背叛并被扔进卖淫。两个女孩将如何相互支持并活着出来?   《Sisters of the Night》是屡获殊荣的电视剧《Last Madame》(《最后的夫